Fat Loss Weight Lifting Routine Guide to Achieving the Goals

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Lifting weights is an effective activity for losing body fat. This not only helps burn calories during exercise but also increases metabolism. Thus encouraging increased calorie burning throughout the day. To get maximum results, make sure you follow the correct fat loss weight lifting routine strategy.

Fat Loss Weight Lifting Routine Guide to Achieving the Goals

Fat Loss Weight Lifting Routine with Compound Exercises

Modern society often associates a slim and muscular body with beauty and also health. How could it not be, a thin body without saggy fat is often a dream for many people. Lifting weights helps build muscle mass, which in turn increases the body’s metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even at rest.

Even though it doesn’t directly burn as much fat as cardio, a combination of weight lifting and cardio is the most effective way to reduce body fat and shape an ideal body. We usually call this a compound exercise.

The following are several examples of initial phase exercise movements that we can include in our fat loss weight lifting routine program.

1. Push-up

Review of the Blue Star Nutraceuticals YouTube channel, doing push-ups can increase metabolism and burn fat in the body. By doing this exercise, it can stimulate the heart rate, burn calories because it involves many muscles in the body that work. Moreover, fat burning will not stop when the exercise is finished. In fact, calories are burned for quite a long time after the push-up is finished.

Start compound exercises with push-ups to build your chest, shoulders and triceps. To do this, maintain a high plank position, then bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the floor. Press again to return to the starting position.

Do variations such as knee push-ups or incline push-ups for beginners. For example, start slowly going down for about 4 seconds, stop at the bottom and hold for 2 seconds, then lift up for 1 second.

As an additional suggestion, we can start with push-ups on a high surface such as a wall or bench. The lower you go, the more difficult, but the exercise fat loss weight lifting routine will usually be!

2. Suspension Trainer Rows

Next there is a row suspension exercise. This movement can train the whole body, focusing on the back, shoulders and biceps. To do this, simply hold the strap on the board provided, then pull your body up until your chest is close to the anchor.

Then lower your back down in a controlled manner. The tempo can vary, for example one second of rowing to the top, press and hold for 2 seconds at the top. Next 4 seconds to lower it back to its original position.

3. Glute Bridge

In the fat loss weight lifting routine strategy, we can also build the buttocks and hamstrings with glute bridge movements. To do it, start by lying on your back, bend your knees and lift your hips until they form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Reach the full extension of the movement, hold for a second or two, then return to the starting position.

4. Ball Squat

The ball squat movement or squatting with a ball is also an important method. This will train balance and leg strength. The way to do it is very easy, namely by leaning on the ball and lowering your hips into a squat position. After that, push it back up and do it repeatedly. Make sure your body remains balanced so that your posture is maintained well.

5. Step-up for Balance

What is no less important than a fat loss weight lifting routine is practicing steps towards balance. Improve balance and coordination with a step-up movement. Step one foot onto a step, maintain balance, and step back down. Perform variations like stepping sideways or rotating. At first this exercise may feel difficult, but consistency will make everything easier.

6. Pallof Press

Finally, train your core and oblique muscles with a pallof press movement. The movement is simply to hold the cable or rope, pull it towards the body and press it again with controlled control. Maintain stability and maintain good body posture.

That’s its initial phase fat loss weight lifting routine to help shed fat and build a strong and toned physique. Combining a weight-lifting routine with a healthy diet to maximize weight-loss efforts. With consistency and dedication, will achieve the fitness goals.