Outdoor Fitness Equipment Can Be Your Reference for a Fit Body

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Outdoor fitness equipment offers a fun and effective way to stay in shape. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who don’t understand about these fitness equipment. As a result, the use of each outdoor equipment is less than optimal. So that you don’t make a mistake and avoid injury when using it, let’s review the explanation below.

Outdoor Fitness Equipment Can Be Your Reference for a Fit Body

Various Outdoor Fitness Equipment

As we know, outdoor sports are becoming increasingly popular. Apart from being healthy, this outdoor activity also provides a refreshing and different experience from exercising indoors. Meanwhile, currently, the use of outdoor equipment is increasingly becoming the center of attention.

This sports equipment is specifically designed for outdoor use. Such as in parks, public areas or even in the backyard. Outdoor equipment is usually made from weather-resistant and sturdy materials. So we can use it for a long time.

Just like indoor, outdoor equipment can also help you increase muscle strength, flexibility and also cardiovascular endurance. Some types of outdoor fitness equipment that are commonly found include:

1. Pull-Up Bar

The first type is a pull-up bar which is an effective tool for training the strength of the back, shoulder and arm muscles. In foreign parks, this type of equipment is very often installed. So people are free to use it according to the height they want.

By pulling your body up on a bar, you will feel a significant challenge. Especially the broad back muscles. Pull-up exercises can also increase grip power and improve body posture. Always warm up before starting exercise to prevent injury.

2. Parallel Bars

Next there are parallel bars, which are outdoor fitness equipment consisting of two parallel bars. We can use this for various upper body exercises such as triceps and chest muscles. Apart from that, parallel bars are also useful for strengthening the abdominal muscles and hip flexors.

For example, we can do basic exercises by placing our hands on parallel bars, slightly wider than shoulder width. Raise your body by straightening your elbows, then lower it until it forms a 90 degree angle.

3. Sit-Up Bench

For those who want a flat and strong stomach, this simple tool is very effective for training the abdominal muscles. By using this bench, you can do various variations of sit-ups. Like regular sit-ups, leg raises and Russian twists. No need to buy expensive ones, because we can make them using used wooden planks.

Make sure the sit-ups bench is installed firmly and safely. Check all connections and bolts so that nothing is loose. Most bench sit-ups have an incline setting. For beginners, it would be better to start with a low slope of around 30-45 degrees. As your strength increases, you can increase the incline.

YouTube channel ExpertVillage Leaf Group using a sit-up bench can be done by doing basic exercises. This method can help tighten the abdominal muscles easily. When the locking position is at the top, the abdominal muscles will tighten, contract, then slowly lower the movement by bending the back to the back area. Helps tighten the abdominal and back muscles.

4. Balance Training Tool

Lastly, there is outdoor fitness equipment, namely balance training. As the name suggests, this tool functions to improve balance, coordination and stability of the body. They generally have uneven or moving surfaces. So you have to try to maintain body balance when standing on it. Balance training is very important to prevent falls and injuries, especially in the elderly.

These are some of the outdoor fitness equipment that are very commonly found. By utilizing each tool optimally, you can achieve your fitness goals to the maximum. Of course, while enjoying the beauty of the surrounding nature which increases enthusiasm and helps reduce stress.